About Avesi

AVESI is a full-service landscape company offering site-specific consultation, design,construction, and contracting. Our projects combine ecological gardening, native plantings, stormwater management, and rainwater harvesting.

We can help leverage your landscaping project to maximize granting and reimbursement opportunities available through various municipalities, conservation authorities, and environmental groups.

We have three guiding principles for all projects:

Our catalogue and educational materials are on Instagram. Longer lecturestyle videos and webinars are on YouTube. Everything can be found @avesistormwater
Let’s get you started on your project,


The Modern Rain Garden


The Modern Rain Garden is an in-depth account of my personal rain garden experience.

I have designed and built dozens of rain gardens and helped countless others build theirs.

This honest and relatable account was written to summarize and demystify the rain gardening world... leaving readers feeling empowered to make design and construction decisions with confidence.

Perfect for professional landscape designers and contractors as well as DIY gardeners it is my pleasure to introduce you to the Scrape, Shape, and Plant philosophy of The Modern Rain Garden.


A Second Edition is currently being written and will be available through the site upon publication.

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